Monday, December 14, 2009

Mukta Akash launched

From our Staff Reporter

DIBRUGARH, Dec 14: Mukta Akash, a newspaper on children’s issues, was launched at a brief function held at the District Library in Dibrugarh today by the Dibrugarh MLA Prasanta Phukon and Dibrugarh DC GD Tripathi.

The newspaper has been brought out by children as part of the initiative, Young Reporters’ Network, being implemented by Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust, Gandhi Smriti Darshan Samity and UNICEF Assam. A core group of young reporters with members of shishu panchayats and Adolescent Girls’ clubs in the district was formed and imparted training in communication and media skills that included the basics of reporting interviewing, editing and ethical issues related to reporting as well as making them aware about child rights. Mukta Akash is the result of these efforts to voice the issues that concern children. While speaking on the occasion, Phukan said that children’s opinions matter in society and expressed belief that the children’s newspaper would make a difference in society. He further said that, it was important to nurture the youths well for a better future. On the other hand, GD Tripathi saw the need to give marginalized children a place in the platform being provided. He also said that, the growth envisaged should be inclusive without any discrimination being done on the lines of gender, caste, or creed. The DC further stated that, poverty should be addressed in order to make our efforts in the sphere of child rights fruitful.

Earlier, the programme started with the presentation of a dance by the children of Sundaram Nitya Dol of Dibrugarh Sishu Panchayat. It was followed by the felicitation of dignitaries, who included Kusum Bora Mukashi, the representative of Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust (KGNMT), Assam Branch, Nipurnh Gupta, Communication Officer of UNICEF Assam, and Sushil Kumar Jha, the Northeast Co-ordinator of Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti (GSDS), New Delhi. After the lighting of the lamp, Kusum Bora Mukashi delivered the welcome address in which she gave a brief background of KGNMT and formation of sishu panchayats in the district.

On the other hand, the UNICEF Communication Officer said that, the inquisitiveness of children make them good journalists. She said that, Mukta Akash was a platform for the young reporters to bring to focus their concerns, opinions and suggestions but it was meant for grown ups. Gupta expressed hope that, the youths involved with the newspaper would reach out to their marginalized and disadvantaged counterparts in society and become their voice. She also saw the importance of integrating the children’s opinion in development schemes.

Four young reporters, Tanaaz Begum, Reshmi Kurmi, Sunita Tanti and Partha Pratim Gohain, spoke about their experience of learning to collect and write news reports. The meeting concluded with the Northeast Co-ordinator of GSDS, Sushil Kumar Jha, offering the vote of thanks. THE SENTINEL

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