Monday, December 7, 2009

DNGC to constitute body on hostels

ITANAGAR, Dec 7: Shocked by the bizarre incident on November 26 last, when a mob of hundreds ransacked and damaged college property, the Dera Natung Government College (DNGC) is regaining its senses and doing its bit to normalize the situation and initiate steps to prevent recurrence of similar incidents.

In a joint meeting held recently at the initiative of the All Nyishi Students Union where district student unions and college authorities were present, the College resolved to constitute a coordination committee with at least 10 senior students from the districts, to coordinate and cooperate with the hostel wardens and the principal in executing the rules and guidelines prescribed for boarders.

Taking exception to the brawl that had led to a group clash on the fateful day, the authorities and the DNGC Students’ Union, with support from others, asserted that ‘groupism’ amongst the boarders would not be tolerated. Individual disputes would be treated as secluded matters and dealt by the authorities as per the rules and regulations. Strict rules needed to be framed by the authorities that would be executed by the wardens in coordination with the Committee. The authorities and the Committee would not allow ‘outside’ elements to interfere in matters of the hostel even in cases of disputes. Further, no outside agencies would be allowed to interfere in decisions of the college authority in cases of disciplinary action initiated on violators of the regulations.

Meanwhile, it was also resolved that boarders would not be allowed to move out of hostels in groups to participate in any disputes outside the college. the sentinel

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